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Hôtel Le Vauxois

6 Rue de l’Eglise
Téléphone : 03 25 84 36 74

Auberge Les 3 Provinces -

14 Rue de Verdun
Téléphone : 03 25 88 31 98

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Cases à cocher
A tradition of hospitality.

Some historical background

At the end of XVIII century, the dwelling, in which you’ll stop, was already standing proudly on the main square of the village knows as “Place de l’Etang” (Pond Square).

The Benedict monks from Aubigny’s priory, who were also helping out at the hospital, built many dams on the Badin River in order to operate their mills and regulate the tumultuous course of the river.

The dam, located in front of the hostel, may be the most important one. The water retained forms a pond, which follows the path up to Aubigny and serves the hill.

In 1829, Louis MIELLE, a wine grower, lived in the dwelling and cultivated 6 ares and 10 centiares of local wine plants.

In 1848, he sold a part of the house and garden to his neighbour, Augustin GUENE, a retired solicitor.

In 1863, M. Mielle’s son, Nicolas MIELLE, a manual worker, inherited the property. He sold it ten years later to Nicolas VARNIER-BOUDROT, an in-keeper and farmer

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